
Waiting Goroutines: fetching stock prices

Goroutines are a lightweight approach for concurrent processing. This means you can trigger different long running tasks and let Go and your hardware find how to use the available resources. However, your program will not wait automatically for those tasks to finish. The execution can simply stop, and your routines will die along it. This article shows how you can wait for all goroutines to finish on a common use case: fetching data from a external API, such as stock prices.


How to keep things personal on a remote work environment

Keeping everyone engaged on a project is a key attribute to its success. Teams should be synergistic and keep knowledge exchange up, focusing on the common goals you set up for. This is a challenge on in-office work, and can evolve into a huge issue on remote environments.


Three things that are definitely better remote

We all know that getting forced by global pandemic is not the ideal start for remote work. This scenario usually doesn't count with the ideal remote infrastructure, nor the adequate culture. But people can get better results on many day to day tasks, taking advantage of some remote features.


HackNews 80

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