
Expose your local server to the internet with ngrok

I first bumped to ngrok in 2017. Recently more than one colleague asked me about SSH tunnels to expose local servers/ports to the internet, and things started to get a bit complex -- that is where ngrok comes to aid. It gets easier test external callbacks, use SEO tools and more having a way to access your server from any place.


My git aliases

For those who prefer using the terminal to control the repository workflow, git commands might look verbose after hundreds of executions. That two or three seconds choosing and typing the right parameters sum up at the end of the day, but it is not only that: It can steal a bit of your attention and you will take some time to focus on your task again. Git aliases are in town to let you tackle this issue and get back those precious seconds! I wanted to share some of mine as examples of nice git aliases.


HackNews 77

SEO & CLI tips, Software Quality vs cost, maintainable tests, distributed Python and more on #HackNews 77! Hot news from projects I follow closely and software engineering.


How to remove local merged branches?

One of the best feelings in software development is to finish a feature. Then you merge it, so can delete the branch you've been working for weeks! The feeling is even more powerful when you are able drop two or three branches before starting the next one. Tools like Github and Gitlab even have a button to 'Delete all merged branches', so I can't not be the only one who loves it :)
